Scope of the workshop is to promote discussions between scientists and companies working in the field of microactuators and related materials.

Invited speakers

  • Franca Albertini (IMEM-CNR) - “Ferromagnetic shape memory materials: multifunctional properties and possible applications”

  • Flavia Buonanno (Phi-Drive S.r.l.) - “Important aspects about nanometric positioning systems”

  • Alberto Corigliano (Politecnico di Milano) - “Mechanics of Microsystems”

  • Irene Fassi (STIIMA-CNR) - “Micro-gripping methods and devices for the manipulation of electro-mechanical micro-components”

  • Stefano Franceschinis (SAES Getters) - “Shape Memory Alloys actuators, advanced control for a sensorless approach”

  • Nicola Manca (Università degli studi di Genova) - “VO2-based MEMS oscillators”

  • Arianna Menciassi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) - “Microrobotics: scaling laws, actuation issues, applications”

  • Fabio Quaranta (IMM-CNR) - “MEMS switches: fabrication, electrostatic actuation, and reliability”

  • Aurelio Somà (Politecnico di Torino) - “MEMS design for reliability: Mechanical failure modes and testing”

  • Silvia Taccola (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) - “Conducting polymer-based soft microactuators”

  • Hidekazu Tanaka (ISIR-Osaka Univ.) - “Current activities on Nanotechnology at ISIR-Osaka University”

  • Luca Zanotti (STMicroelectronics) - “Introduction of Smart Materials in ST-MEMS Vision”

Participation is free of charge. To register please send an email to : luca.pellegrino [at]

Participation of students is welcome !!!



PROGRAM (Schedule may be subject to changes and will be updated here) - last update 28/09/2018

Download Flyer - Download program

 9:30 Opening

Luca Pellegrino

Carlo Ferdeghini

Daniele Marré


CNR-SPIN Director

Univ. of Genoa & CNR-SPIN

 9:45 Current activities on Nanotechnology at ISIR-Osaka University   Hidekazu Tanaka  ISIR-Osaka Univ.
 10:15  Overview of the Project "Solid State Actuators for Micro Nanorobotics"

 Luca Pellegrino

Teruo Kanki


ISIR-Osaka Univ.

 10:45 VO2-based MEMS oscillators  Nicola Manca  Univ. of Genoa & CNR-SPIN
 11:00 Coffee Break 
 11:30 Microrobotics: scaling laws, actuation issues, applications  Arianna Menciassi  Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
 12:00 Micro-gripping methods and devices for the manipulation of electro-mechanical micro-components  Irene Fassi  STIIMA-CNR
 12:30 Important aspects about nanometric positioning systems  Flavia Buonanno  Phi Drive S.r.l.
 13:00  Lunch Break 
 14:00 Introduction of Smart Materials in ST-MEMS Vision  Luca Zanotti  STMicroelectronics
 14:30 Mechanics of Microsystems  Alberto Corigliano  Politecnico di Milano
 15:00 MEMS design for reliability: Mechanical failure modes and testing Aurelio Somà  Politecnico di Torino
 15:30 MEMS switches: fabrication, electrostatic actuation, and reliability  Fabio Quaranta  IMM-CNR
 16:00 Coffee Break  
 16:30 Shape Memory Alloys actuators, advanced control for a sensorless approach  Stefano Franceschinis  SAES Getters
 17:00 Ferromagnetic shape memory materials: multifunctional properties and possible applications  Franca Albertini  IMEM-CNR
 17:30 Conducting polymer-based soft microactuators  Silvia Taccola  Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
 18:00 Round table & closing remarks  


 Seminars and presentations will be given in English. Taking photos and video or audio recording are not allowed during the presentations unless explicitly authorized.


Posters will be displayed during the coffee and lunch breaks

  “An Endoscopic Laser Scanner for Soft Tissue Microsurgery” Alperen Acemoglu and Leonardo S. Mattos (Department of Advanced Robotics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy)


 “Design and Fabrication of a Hydraulic Deformable Membrane Mirror for High-Power Laser Focusing” André Geraldes, Paolo Fiorini, Leonardo S. Mattos (Department of Advanced Robotics, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy)


 “Magnetically driven microrobotic platform for cell manipulation” Gioia Lucarini, Veronica Iacovacci, Leonardo Ricotti and Arianna Menciassi (Istituto di BioRobotica, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy)


Host institutions


Physics Dept., University of Genoa




Luca Pellegrino – CNR-SPIN (IT)

Teruo Kanki – ISIR-Osaka University (JP)

Daniele Marré – University of Genoa (IT)

Hidekazu Tanaka – ISIR-Osaka University (JP)

Nicola Manca – University of Genoa (IT)


Physics Department

University of Genoa,

via Dodecaneso 33 16146, Genoa (Italy)


This event is organized in the framework of the Italy-Japan bilateral project «solid state actuators for micro/nanorobotics» sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, of the Italian Republic.