The Workshop successfully took place !

The organizers acknowledge the speakers for their great talks and all the participants for their attendance and for their questions and comments during the whole event.

45 people attended the conference with the distribution reported below.


Picture of the invited speakers 

Top line (from left): Stefano Franceschinis (SAES Getters), Irene Fassi (STIIMA-CNR), Arianna Menciassi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna), Franca Albertini (IMEM-CNR), Silvia Taccola (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia), Aurelio Somà (Politecnico di Torino), Alberto Corigliano (Politecnico Milano), Hidekazu Tanaka (ISIR-Osaka Univ.), Luca Zanotti (STMicroelectronics).

Bottom line (from left): Teruo Kanki (ISIR-Osaka Univ.), Flavia Buonanno (Phi Drive S.r.l.), Luca Pellegrino (CNR-SPIN), Fabio Quaranta (IMM-CNR), Nicola Manca (Università di Genova).