The Italian team is composed by researchers belonging to CNR-SPIN and the Physics Department of the University of Genova. The two laboratories commonly share instrumentation and expertize between scientists.


CNR-SPIN: CNR-SPIN is an institute of the National Research Council. The mission of CNR-SPIN is the study of superconductors and of other innovative materials and of their application in the fields of electronics and energy: oxides, organic, hybrid and other complex materials exhibiting superconducting, magnetic and other properties for the development of novel nano‐and micro‐device concepts and prototypes. The unit of Genova will support the project with a clean room facility for microlithography, a Pulsed Laser Deposition System, an X-ray diffractometer, an Atomic Force Microscope. Theoretical analysis of the mechanical and electrical behavior of the microstructures is performed by Finite Element Analysis in collaboration with Physics Department of University of Genova.
Physics Dept.-Univ. of Genova: The Phys. Dept. will support the project by measuring the physical properties of the microstructures and thin films under different conditions (low temperature, magnetic field …).  The mechanical properties of the fabricated microstructures are characterized by a home-made system able to detect mechanical oscillations of microstructures in a controlled atmosphere and at different temperatures (-20°C à 120 °C).
ISIR-Osaka University: The institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR) was founded in 1939 as a part of Osaka University with the aim of promoting basic science for the development of industry. ISIR has been conducting interdisciplinary researches in the fields of materials, information, and biological sciences. In parallel, we have been research-based education for students. Our nanotechnology center in ISIR was established in 2002 and has been supporting a variety of nano-related projects of electronics, energy and spintronics. The center has a clean room facility for nano lithography tools, a Pulsed Laser Deposition System, an X-ray diffractometer, Scanning Electron Microscopes, an Atomic Force Microscope. Link to lab website (Japanese).